Can’t find an answer to your question here below? Get in touch.
Where can I place my order?
We’re happy to come over and give you a demo. We can bring you in contact with one of our preferred installers or distributors. Prefer to work with your own installer instead? Contact us so we can get to know the installer or distributor of your choice. Or send us an e-mail at
Where can I find a price list ?
Thanks for asking. You can find it here.
Where can I find the technical data sheet for each product?
Short answer: the technical data sheet can be found on the product page. The step-by-step explanation: Choose the ‘Products’ menu on the homepage. You will then see a complete overview of all products. Select the desired product by clicking on it. Scroll down the product page until you see ‘Downloads’. When you click on the plus sign next to ‘Downloads’, the tab opens and you will find the technical data sheet (product sheet) and the installation instructions.
Where can I find an overview of all products?
That’s an easy one, click here to download our product overview. Or you can choose the ‘Products’ menu on the homepage. You will then see a complete overview of all products. Choose any product. Under the product description you can click on ‘product overview’ to download an overview.
rond 2.0 module, can you tell me what’s new?
Sure. rond 1.0 is intended for installation in plaster and ensures fast installation as everything can be installed in one operation. The removable rond 2.0 all-in-one socket and switch module provides the basis for endless applications. Choose the appropriate kit for your specific application. The easyfit is suitable for thick plaster, the retrofit for thin plaster. The multifit is designed to integrate into wood and natural stone and for integration in furniture applications. Read all about it here.
Is rond 2.0 available for push buttons?
Yes, the rond 2.0 potential-free push buttons and rond 2.0 switch (230 V) are compatible with all rond 2.0 installation kits. Go to the rond 2.0 products.
May I install rond in wood, veneer and stone?
Yes, the removable rond 2.0 all-in-one module provides the basis for endless applications as a socket or push button. The multifit is designed to integrate into wood and natural stone and for integration in furniture applications. Read all about it here.
Which types of sockets are available?
Unfortunately not the whole alphabet, but types E and F. Where the E version is fitted with a pin grounding (BE, FR), type F is provided with a peripheral grounding (NL, DE, LU …).
What is the difference between the rond 1.0 socket box and the rond 2.0 easyfit kit?
The easyfit (rond 2.0) derives from the rond 1.0 box. The difference is that the electrical connections remain accessible after plastering thanks to the rond 2.0 removable socket module in the easyfit kit. You can even place the socket at an angle of 45° – 90°. You can even choose the material of the inner ring, next to the finish. With the rond 1.0 socket box at the other hand, installation is faster because everything can be done in one go.
Are rond sockets and push buttons removable after installation?
rond 2.0 is removable in contrast to rond 1.0. The rond 2.0 module is removable with this removal tool. So the answer is yes.
Do the rond sockets and push buttons fit in a standard flush-mounted box?
Absolutely, the rond 2.0 retrofit plaster ring does. Read more.
Why can’t I choose a metal inner ring for a rond socket?
Because a metal inner ring would be harmful for electrical conductivity.
Can I install a socket and a push button next to each other in the same installation?
Yes, you can. Thanks to the rond 2.0 socket module, you can now install a socket outlet and a push button side by side. Allow us to say that this is not possible with rond 1.0 and rond 2.0 easyfit – for application in brick walls – where two different voltages would end up in one box. The legislation does not allow that.
What drilling is required for the multifit that fits in wood, veneer and stone?
Good question. The multifit can be trim – with a fine edge – or trimless – recessed – mounted. For the trim version, drill a hole of 48 mm. To make it trimless, add a recess of 2 mm on a diameter of 52.5 mm. Go to the installation sheet.
What drilling is required for the retrofit that fits in universal ⌀68 junction boxes?
The retrofit version fits into a standard flush-mounted box. For gyproc walls, the round boxes – requiring a 68 mm drilling – are used, preferably with a depth of 61 mm. For brickwork, the square box is used with a drilling of 60 x 60 mm, preferably with a depth of at least 51 mm. Go to the installation sheet.
What drilling is required for the easyfit that fits in solid, plastered walls?
For the easyfit, we use the same installation box as for rond 1.0. The outer body has a diameter of 130 mm. In gyproc walls, we use a 131 mm hole saw. In quick-fit brick, we use a 133 mm diameter dry drill. Go to the installation sheet.
What categories of data connections are available?
Aha, good question. CAT6A is our standard data connection. Other catergories such as CAT5 or CAT7 can also be integrated. The data connections are available in rond 1.0.
Are there any other type of data connections available?
Yes, there are. Within rond 1.0 data connections, we have available: COAX, speaker connection, HDMI, USB-c and USB-a. You can add up to four different data ports per rond 1.0 installation box. Read all about our data ports.
Do the EnOcean switches need a power supply?
No, the EnOcean switches are completely wireless and battery-free. Let us explain. When the switch is pushed, the mechanical energy supplied is converted into electrical energy, this energy is then used to send a Bluetooth Low Energy signal to the light source. Being completely maintenance-free is also a nice feature. Read more about our switches.
How are EnOcean switches connected to lighting?
Thanks for asking. The lights are simply fitted with the appropriate Casambi modules. Then, by using the free Casambi app, each switch can be scanned and paired with the light source (or group of light sources) of choice. This provides unprecedented flexibility and functionality compared to a classic electricity system. The Casambi modules can also be purchased through us if required. Read more about our switches.
How can I provide a power supply for the USB-C and USB-A connection?
A twofold answer comes your way. Either you can provide a central power supply in the electrical board for all USB-A or USB-C connections in your project. Or you can optionally integrate a 20W power supply. This power supply fits into the 1.0 mm flush-mounting box and is always accessible, even after plastering and painting.
With which voltage will the potential-free push button be connected?
The potential-free push buttons are controlled with a voltage between 12 V and 50 V (AC or DC). The maximum allowable power is 50 mA.
How does the potential-free push button control the light source?
Thanks for asking. The potential-free push button can be controlled by any home automation system. Either the push button is controlled via an interface or the inputs are located on the central board. The push button can also be controlled via a teleruptor or magnetic switch. The coil voltage must not exceed 24V (AC or DC).
How many functions does a potential-free push button have?
Good one. One push-button has two functions. Or to put it another way: in one round recessed box, you have a maximum of four functions.
Can I connect a dimmer to a potential-free push button?
Yes, a universal dimmer can be connected to our potential-free push-button. Various controls are on the market. Other possibilities are 1-10V or DALI (via interface).
Can our systems be connected to home automation?
Yes, that’s possible. Contact us via and we’ll give you the information you’re looking for.
What is KNX?
In a nutshell: KNX is the world standard for homeautomation. KNX connects individual systems such as lighting, shading, heating, alarm … into one common system. It’s an open communication system.
What is Casambi?
Casambi is a manufacturer that has developed a wireless communication technology for managing lighting. Through ‘meshing’ IoT, the different modules (drivers) of your light sources communicate with each other. With this technology, we speak of smart lighting. Yes, it’s available with us.